Anne Lamott tells us that even the best writers lack confidence and direction when sitting down to write. “I know some very great writers, writers you love who write beautifully, and have made a great deal of money, and not one of them sits down routinely feeling wildly enthusiastic and confident” (301). Lamott wants us to realize good writing takes practice and time. Writing a paper is a process, and should be done in several steps. These steps include a first, second, and third draft. The first draft is supposed to be horrible and the whole point of the firs draft is to simply write something down, anything down. A writer can then build from that first draft. “Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something anything down on paper” (303). To produce quality writing one most have patience, and one must not expect to write a great paper their very first try.
In wikipedia anyone can edit and add information. However, this information is reviewed by others and kept or taken down at their discretion. The very best information will stay. In a way this relates to Lamott’s argument. When writing on wikipedia for your very first time one should not expect to have great information. Writing on wikipedia takes practice, and may take several efforts to get your information on wikipedia as a source. What a writer can do is revise and resubmit information. The first submission may be turned down, but if one keeps editing and revising, the next may be accepted.
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